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  • Debbie Castro Age is a privilege, unless you forge1200px Debbie_-2.jpg
    • 30/05/2024

    RHA Video made by Graeme Wells with Sarah McAuliffe Curator

    The documentary starts with her astonishing Exhibition and then

    takes us on a journey to meet ten other artists, experts, educators,

    and carers who enhance our understanding of dementia through

    their own experience with their loved ones and how their own art

    helped them come to terms with the illness, its impact and what the

    future may hold.

    The documentary uses art, music, dance, words and a visually

    driven narrative to engage the viewer in a unique experience to

    create a kaleidoscopic narrative that allows us to look at dementia

    from an integrative perspective.

    This will provide an emotionally resonant and visually

    compelling exploration of dementia in Ireland. Through Debbie's art

    and personal journey, the documentary aims to shed light on a

    critical issue, inspire viewers, and contribute to the dialogue

    surrounding dementia. It will also emphasise the importance of

    understanding, supporting, and finding new ways to approach the

    challenges faced by those affected by the disease.